10 Tips to Maximise Food Production in a Small Vegetable

This video shows you 10 tips to maximise food production in a small vegetable garden. Having a small area doesn’t mean you can’t grow lots of food, in fact per square foot/metre, small gardens are often far more productive than larger vegetable gardens. This video is a collaboration with Tim and Maddy Harland from the Permaculture Magazine, and have an inspiring small scale vegetable garden designed using permaculture principles. Check out their fantastic channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/PermacultureMedia

Subscribe to the Permaculture Magazine: https://permaculture.co.uk/subscribe

With thanks to Vera Greutink for using a section of video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCidWVAWCXVVNjHXpuFCfxNA

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My Online Course ‘More Food Less Effort’: https://abundanceacademy.online/p/more-food-less-effort

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My 2nd Book (Grow Food for Free) http://growfoodforfree.com/

#vegetablegardening #urbangardening #permaculture

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