Grow Aussie natives indoors: varieties, tips and tricks
Millie shows you some Australian native plants that can be kept indoors.
Tips for choosing natives for indoors:
– Start with rainforest species as these plants thrive in low-light levels
– Plants with a water storage system will be more forgiving if you miss a watering
– If you have a warm and bright spot indoors, you may have success with bush tucker plants like the Davidson Plum, however you won’t get fruit indoors if the plant isn’t pollinated
– Look for plants with interesting or striking form and foliage
– Try native vines like the Kangaroo Vine if you have an indoor stairwell in a sunny location
Caring for native indoor plants:
– Use a good quality native potting mix for your native indoor plants – these will drain well and contain fertiliser in the mix
– Top up indoor pots every 6 months
– Apply a small amount of mulch around the top – gravel can work well for indoor plants
– Wipe leaves to remove dust with a moist rag. Dusty leaves cut down the amount of light available to the plants
– Inspect plant for mealy-bugs and scale and treat with horticultural oil.
Watering indoor native plants:
– Water requirements will vary according to the light, humidity and temperature that the plants are growing in
– Most plants like to stay moist but not drowning so water where the pots can drain freely then sit them inside a sealed pot that’s lined with gravel at the base. This ensures the plant isn’t sitting in water.
Location, location, location:
– Choose a place indoors that resembles the natural growing conditions of the plant
– Avoid hot, north-facing positions that could burn the plant
– Filtered light is usually ideal
– Be mindful of heaters, fires and air-conditioners that can dry out plants.
– If your plant isn’t thriving in one location, try another till you get the best spot. You may need to move plants throughout the seasons.
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