Starting a Vegetable Garden

I’ve been sharing videos from my allotment garden for the past couple of years but in today’s piece I’m going to show where it all began. I’ve put it together to show the story of my vegetable garden but also to inspire new gardeners to start their own.

I took my current plot back in 2015 and that first year I started to work it alongside my old plot. YES, I used to have another plot. You’ll get to see it in this video too.

I started slowly by suppressing weeds with polythene — thick black plastic that’s reusable and essential as part of our allotment association’s plot maintenance. You can get here:


That first year I peeled it back gradually and planted a few things. It was only in the second and third years that my new vegetable garden starting taking shape. I built small raised beds, created wood chip paths, installed a blackberry trellis, and built a garden pond. I also converted my gardening space into a no-dig garden. Gradually the plot evolved to what it is today.

Work still continues, especially with the new half-plot and home garden. If you’re interested in seeing those spaces transform, follow their progress this year.

Interested in how I make videos? Here’s my essential equipment*

Main camera
Main camera lens
Secondary camera
Secondary camera tripod

*Lovely Greens is a participant in Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Basically I make a small commission if you end up making a purchase. Thank you for your support.

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#backyardgardening #allotment #vegetablegarden

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