AMAZING TIPS Grow Vegetables Container Gardening Why it Works Easy

WORTH WATCHING to THINK About~Here I explain Container Garden & Vertical Garden in Totes / storage containers works great, on a deck, balcony or small space, or even in a large back or front yard. We are now in full Modern Homestead, growing most all our own produce for us to eat. Set up with lots of GARDEN organic leaves, branches and Matter (FREE) from MY garden, Easy Water maintenance, easy to plant and pace your growing needs for a very successful food garden. Grow as slow or fast as you want, less money to start, but lots of food for you and your family. Grow Large Vegetable in Container Gardening SUCCESS Tips & Why it Works Easy Cheap & Great, for real. SUCCESS TIPS Grow Vegetables Container Gardening Why it Works Easy & Cheap ANYWHERE for Tons of FOOD

If you can not find chairs and do not want to use cement block, here is a video that might give you another idea that I did:

This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last all year outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great: #containergardening #vertical #organic

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