Vegetable Garden Tour Early-May 2021: Zone 6a, Ohio
Welcome to the first vegetable garden tour of 2021!
I am growing in Zone 6a, Ohio and focus on growing things I love to eat (vegetables, fruits & herbs), with a few flowers thrown in here & there- primarily for the pollinators.
I grow a vegetable garden at my home and share in the work of the larger vegetable garden at my parent’s home- In this video I share what’s growing now & plans for the 2021 gardening season at both locations.
00:00 Intro
00:32 Strawberry Bed
01:00 Raised Beds
03:12 Why Row Covers?
05:24 In-ground Beds
10:29 Expanding- Outside the Fence
11:08 No-Dig Potato Bed Experiment Update
12:37 Plans for Garden Location #2
13:17 My Gardens at Mom & Pop’s
15:23 What’s in the Greenhouse?
#zone6gardening #vegetablegardening #ohiogardening
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