Flower Garden and Vegetable Garden Maintenance

Follow Our Gardens On Instagram.com/CaseyLynnLawrence
Casey shows everything that she does in her Gardens, during the Month of July. This is all about Flower Garden Maintenance and Vegetable Garden Maintenance
She will show how she keeps things clean, aerated, fertilized, pinched and controlled.
Here’s the link through Amazon for the Fertilizer referenced in video https://amzn.to/3372WAH
Here’s the link through Amazon for my hand cultivator to aerate https://amzn.to/2yBkjeO
Take a look at the NEW Window box combination, and how much it has grown. Casey goes over everything she is doing to upkeep them right now, and find out what is going wrong with them.

For the Fertilizing Video, Click Here:

For the Pinching Flowers Video:

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